Thank you very much Iris and Ashley for joining me in this photo! :D
Feature Event:
The Epiphany (April 13 - May 5, 2016)
(Left to Right)
On Iris:
Hair: Harley by Little Bones @ The Epiphany
Corset & Skirt: Super Villian Outfit by Dark Passions
Boots: Gaia Platform by Pixel Passion
Gloves: Chee by Azoury
Weapon: Harley Quinn Hammer by Inkside
On Ashley:
Hair: Harley by Little Bones @ The Epiphany
Jacket: "Madcap" Jacket by Grixdale @ The Epiphany
Top: "Madcap" Top by Grixdale @ The Epiphany
Bottom: "Madcap" Panties by Grixdale @ The Epiphany
Shoes: Grafitti Thigh Hight Sneakers byReign
Googles: "Urban Fallout" Googles by Foxes @ The Epiphany
Weapon: "Madcap" Bat by Grixdale @ The Epiphany
On Blanche:
Head dress: Harley's Cowl by Little Bones @ The Epiphany (EXCLUSIVE item for this event only!)
Top: Wasd 5.0 Female Jacket by Vrsion
Bottom: Wasd 5.0 Female Pants by Vrsion
Shoes: Griselda by Bliensen + MaiTai
Gloves: Wasd 5.0 Female Gloves by Vrsion
"Urban Fallout" Bombling by Foxes @ The Epiphany